A bar in a restaurant called 7 Pokoi in the Cultural Centre in Kielce.
The whole project was divided into two parts: a bar – a place where drinks, cocktails and beer are served, and a café – with a coffee machine, pastry counter, and a space for preparing fresh juices.
In a café part the furniture was made in an unusual way. The front elements of the furniture were powder coated in a green colour- a colour which is a main colour in the whole restaurant. Another interesting element of the bar, which was designed and produced by our company, is a bar glass hanger which attracts attention and gives the interior unique character.

Sample projects

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A bar in a restaurant called 7 Pokoi in the Cultural Centre in Kielce.
The whole project was divided into two parts: a bar – a place where drinks, cocktails and beer are served, and a café – with a coffee machine, pastry counter, and a space for preparing fresh juices.
In a café part the furniture was made in an unusual way. The front elements of the furniture were powder coated in a green colour- a colour which is a main colour in the whole restaurant. Another interesting element of the bar, which was designed and produced by our company, is a bar glass hanger which attracts attention and gives the interior unique character.

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    Sample projects

    Gallery of exemplary performances of 7 POKOI bar.

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